Who owns Google? Plus, other companies this giant owns

The annual revenue was $257.6 billion, an increase of 41% over the previous fiscal year. Some of Alphabet’s “Other Bets” might seem like these kinds of pet projects. Their very old “pet” projects like Google, Android, or Chrome are earning billions of dollars every year, and nobody is complaining about that. We probably need to accept that Larry and Sergey will keep having control over Alphabet for their lifetime. Since Alphabet is also funding longevity research, this can be a really long lifetime.

Waze had over 140 million monthly active users in early 2021—up from 10 million when it was acquired. The company offers performance advertising, which allows advertisers to connect with their users with measurable results. It also sells brand advertising, which aims to enhance users’ awareness and affinity with brands. Advertising is thus a core part of Alphabet’s strategy and has guided many of its acquisition decisions, such as the purchase of DoubleClick in 2008 (see below). The founders of Google are the two Ph.D. students from Stanford University in California, namely Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

He was born in Moscow, but his family emigrated to the US when he was six years old. He met with Larry Page at Standford when he needed help with math on its PageRank algorithm. In the meantime, when Eric Schmidt became CEO, Larry focused, for example, on Android, which he helped build into a dominant mobile operating system in just a few years since its acquisition in 2005. However, the actual decision power is in the hands of Vanguard’s insiders since the ownership is diluted over millions of investors worldwide.

  1. Do note that unsolicited contact is forbidden using the information provided via the Whois lookup service.
  2. Google, American search engine company, founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, that is a subsidiary of the holding company Alphabet Inc.
  3. However, because other shareholders hold super-voting shares, BlackRock’s voting power is only 2.8%.
  4. He attended the University of Maryland for undergrad, and then went to Stanford for a PhD in computer science, where met his Google co-founder, Larry Page.

Shanahan is currently an attorney and research fellow at CodeX, the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics. We’ve been applying AI to make our products radically more helpful for a while. The company has previously let mobile operators in Peru and Puerto Rico use its balloons free of charge, when phone masts have been damaged by natural disasters. Created by Google’s research lab X in 2011, Loon became a subsidiary of Alphabet in 2018. Acquired by Google in 2014, DeepMind is a UK-based company researching artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Investors made a deal with the founders and agreed to their super-voting status. In 2015 Larry Page handed over Google’s CEO position to Sundar Pichai and became CEO of the new holding company Alphabet Inc., which was set up as an owner of Google. Some other former Google projects were transformed to separate companies under Alphabet too.

Brin is a billionaire, entrepreneur and computer scientist who co-founded Google at the age of 25.

Sergey does not currently hold any executive position within Google or Alphabet. However, he is still, together with Larry Page, a controlling shareholder, and member of Alphabet’s Board of Directors. Sergey Brin owned 739 million shares in Alphabet and controlled 3,687 million shareholder votes as of December 2022. Larry does not have any active management role within Google or Alphabet anymore. However, he still has a significant influence on it as a member of Alphabet’s Board of Directors and as a controlling shareholder of Alphabet together with Sergey Brin. Larry Page owned 779 million shares in Alphabet and controlled 3,891 million shareholder votes as of December 2022.

Share buybacks decrease the total number of Alphabet’s outstanding shares and allow shareholders, including Larry and Sergey, to sell some shares and keep the same voting power. BlackRock is the second-largest shareholder of Alphabet, owning 6.2% of its shares. However, because other shareholders hold super-voting https://1investing.in/ shares, BlackRock’s voting power is only 2.8%. As of December 2022, the market value of BlackRock’s stake in Alphabet was $70.8 billion. Vanguard is the largest shareholder of Alphabet, owning 7.0% of its shares. However, because other shareholders hold super-voting shares, Vanguard’s voting power is only 3.3%.

How do I conduct a Whois search?

By some accounts, they disagreed about nearly everything during that first meeting, but by the following year, they struck a partnership. Working from their dorm rooms, they built a search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the World Wide Web. They created Google in 1998, but they both became billionaires in 2004 when the company went public. By some accounts, they disagreed about nearly everything during that first meeting, but by the following year they struck a partnership. Google (Alphabet) has acquired about 256 companies in its lifetime. Some recent Google acquisitions have set the stage for the company’s journey into artificial intelligence, robotics, cybersecurity, and more.

List of former chief executives

We use Google as a search engine, maps, email, videos, and many other things. This has huge implications for businesses that rely on Google’s organic traffic for revenue. It aims to bring internet access to areas with poor connectivity, by floating solar-powered hotspots over regions where building phone masts would be too expensive. And any data the company collects from its sensors must be treated as a public asset.

This duo met in 1995 while working on a research project on the World Wide Web (WWW). Within a year after they met, in 1996, they began working on a new search engine called BackRub, which they later renamed to Google. Sundar is the CEO of Google and Alphabet and serves on Alphabet’s Board of Directors. Under his leadership, Google has been focused on developing products and services, powered by the latest advances in AI, that offer help in moments big and small. Google’s strong financial results reflected the rapid growth of Internet advertising in general and Google’s popularity in particular.

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In 2013, Pichai added Android to the list of Google products that he oversaw. Pichai joined Google in 2004 as the head of product management and development. He initially worked on Google Toolbar, which enabled those using the Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox Web browsers to easily access the Google search engine. As part of our effort to improve the awareness of the importance of diversity in companies, we have highlighted the transparency of Google’s (Alphabet’s) commitment to diversity, inclusiveness, and social responsibility. The below chart illustrates how Google (Alphabet) reports the diversity of its management and workforce. This shows if Google (Alphabet) discloses data about the diversity of its board of directors, C-Suite, general management, and employees overall across a variety of markers.

Their voting power is the result of their super-voting Class B shares with ten votes per share. After receiving degrees (1993) in computer science and mathematics at the University of Maryland, he entered Stanford University’s graduate program, where he met Page, a fellow graduate student. The two were both intrigued by the idea of enhancing the ability to extract meaning from the mass of data accumulating on the Internet. Brin received a master’s degree in 1995, but he went on leave from Stanford’s doctorate program to continue working on the search engine.

Alphabet (Google) is kind of a “different” company from most others. This approach is behind its successes and, in my view, also behind many of its failures to commercialize its technology and innovations. Alphabet also stands out thanks to the voting control the founders Larry and Sergey have over the company. The two largest Alphabet (Google) owners are asset management giants Vanguard, which owns a 7.0% share, and BlackRock, with a 6% share. Sergey Brin (born August 21, 1973, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.) American computer scientist and entrepreneur who created, along with Larry Page, the online search engine Google, one of the most successful sites on the Internet. Sergey served as president of Alphabet until December 2019, and today, he is a board member of Alphabet.

Vanguard differs from other large asset managers by having no actual “owner .” Officially Vanguard says that its investors own it since its funds own it, and Vanguard fund investors own those who is the owner of google funds. YouTube is a video sharing platform where users around the world stream 694,000 hours of content every minute. Google acquired YouTube in 2006, a little over a year after it began.

He attended the University of Maryland for undergrad, and then went to Stanford for a PhD in computer science, where met his Google co-founder, Larry Page. Some other businesses which were previously owned by Google were moved to become subsidiaries of Alphabet. Google itself became a subsidiary of Alphabet, with the division looking after products such as Search, Maps, YouTube, Chrome and the Android mobile phone platform.

DoubleClick was founded in 1996 and became one of the stock-market stars of the dot-com era as a leader in the first generation of online advertising during the 1990s. Private equity firm Hellman & Friedman paid $1.1 billion in a “take-private” transaction to become majority owners of the company in 2005. Looker, founded in 2011 by Lloyd Tabb, helps companies to easily extract and analyze data. Most legacy business intelligence systems at the time required users to have engineering and programming expertise to extract data and analyze it. Looker simplified the process by taking programming queries and modifying them to read more like natural languages, such as English. This allowed users to perform data analytics without having to “speak” code.

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