Benchmarking gender gaps, 2023 Global Gender Gap Report 2023 World Economic Forum

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However, after a phase of rapid and broad-based increase in economic parity up until 2018, parity has been flagging. This is mostly due to a 4.8 percentage-point decline in parity in estimated earned income and 2 percentage-point decline in parity in labour-force participation rate since 2018. Namibia has achieved 44.3% parity in Political Empowerment with 44.2% women parliamentarians, 31.6% women ministers and a female prime minister in power since 2015. In the last five years, New Zealand has gained more than 5 percentage points to close 85.6% of the overall gender gap, ranking 4th globally in 2023. With parity in parliamentary positions, and a female head of state for 16 of the last 50 years, New Zealand has the world’s third-highest level of parity on Political Empowerment.

This year’s results leave the total progress made towards gender parity at an overall 4.1 percentage-point gain since 2006. Hence, on average, over the past 17 years, the gap has been reduced by only 0.24 percentage points per year. This suggests that the year in which the gender gap is expected to close remains 2154, as progress is moving at the same rate as last year.

What Are the Types of Ratio Analysis?

There is a drop of 0.2 percentage points since 2022, but an improvement of 4.1 percentage points since 2006. The ebbing of the upward trend seen in last year’s edition can be partially attributed to the drop in the subindex scores for 66 economies Bookkeeping, tax, & CFO services for startups including highly populated economies such as China, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc. As a result, it will take another 169 years to close the economic gender gap. Cross-national variation is wider for both secondary and tertiary enrolment.

  • Financial ratios are the tool that uses to assess an entity’s financial healthies.
  • When it comes to professional and technical positions, 71% of the gender gap has been closed globally.
  • The result can be differences in market valuation, as investors reward those companies showing clearly better ratio results than their competitors.
  • The United Arab Emirates and Egypt have registered increases in both the share of women senior officer positions and the share of women in technical positions.
  • Perception of wage equality for similar jobs and share of women in senior positions have also been increasing incrementally, and parity has been achieved in technical roles.

Compared to top scoring countries that register a 94.4% gender parity at birth, the indicator stands at 92.7% for India (albeit an improvement over last edition) and below 90% for Viet Nam, China and Azerbaijan. Ratios, such as activity ratios, are more important to internal users, while ratios, such as market ratios, are more important to investors and staggered shareholders. Other ratios, such as solvency and profitability, are equally important to internal and external users. In this article, we see all the information on the List of Financial Ratios. There are various aspects that the company, management, investors, and the board of directors need to look at for investment or management purposes.

What are Accounting Ratios?

This increase is driven by progress in parity in literacy rate and enrolment in secondary education. On Health and Survival, the country has achieved full parity in sex ratio at birth, attaining 97.6% subindex parity. With the highest gender parity in Southern Asia, Bangladesh ranks 59th globally, with a score of 72.2%. The country’s trajectory is mostly characterized by continuous progress on Political Empowerment.

It has had a female head of state for 4.7 years of the last 50 years, and one-tenth of the ministers as well as one-fifth of parliamentarians are women. Germany sustains its upward trajectory in gender parity, climbing four ranks since last year to 6th position and registering an additional 1.4 percentage points to a score of 81.5%. This advancement is due mainly to the increase of the share of women in parliamentary and ministerial positions, which have boosted the Political Empowerment subindex (63.4%) by 8.4 percentage points since 2022. Germany has also attained parity in enrolment in all levels of education except for secondary education. However, a backslide in parity in wage equality and estimated earned income has depleted the parity on Economic Participation and Opportunity (66.5%) by 6.9 percentage points since 2018. While parity has been achieved and sustained in technical roles, the share of women in senior positions is back at the 2018 level (parity score 41.3%).

Global Gender Gap Report 2023

These ratios are significant because when there is an improvement in the efficiency ratios, the business can produce more income and profits. Significant solvency ratios are- debt to capital ratio, debt ratio, interest conversion ratio, and equity multiplier. Solvency ratios are predominantly utilized by state-run administrations, banks, employees, and institutional financial backers. Some commonly used liquidity ratios are the quick ratio, the cash ratio, and the current ratio. Liquidity ratios are utilized by banks, lenders, and providers to decide whether a client can respect their monetary commitments.

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